Becoming a world-class provider of DT services and solutions.
Industrial Solutions​
Industrial Circulation

Based on data and model forecasting analysis, the IGreat integrated supply chain constantly improves the linkage of the whole supply chain, and creates a demand-driven supply chain, which help to enterprises to use proper methods to produce proper products.

Unified integrated planning platform

The platform drives fast and accurate supply chain operation.

Big data analysis guiding operation

The unified planning platform uses the data analysis before, during and after the quarter as the basis for decision-making and continuously guides the operation adjustment.

Complete and standard standardization library

We commit to establishing a complete, standardized and easy-to-use library to promote R&D design efficiency.

Overall visible progress management and control

By designing and developing calendars, we can visualize overall progress management and control.

Efficient and personalized digital edition

Material library and standard library accumulated in the process of product planning provide a good foundation for operable digital edition.

Seamless docking supply chain collaboration

We commit to establishing a standardized and efficient supply chain collaboration mechanism and data interaction specification.