Becoming a world-class provider of DT services and solutions.
Industrial Solutions​
Industrial Circulation

iGreat internal control integrates human, financial and material resources inside the enterprise, embeds the internal control of the whole process of the business, and ensures efficient and compliant operation of the enterprise and can be sustainably improved.

Integration of business and finance

It realizes the integration of standardized and automated business data and financial data, and improves the efficiency, accuracy and traceability of financial accounting through integrated financial business management.

Comprehensive budget and cost management

In terms of cost management, we establish a cost management capability system that runs through R&D, supply chain and marketing areas.

Financial analysis

It realizes multi-dimensional analysis of financial data from different business angles, and automatically generates various types of analysis statements to support financial analysis, business analysis, and profitability analysis and so on.

Management and control integration

It is an integrated management system from strategy to culture, from system to implementation, from group to subsidiary, implemented step by step. Through the IT system, the management system is pushed to every small business unit of the enterprise.

Risk control point

We take business processes as the driving force, solidify and standardize accounting policies in IT systems, establish corresponding accounting systems, and embed internal risk control points in IT system business processes.

Resource management

It effectively manages core resources such as human resources and assets of the enterprise and aims to achieve performance with minimum resources.